XV-2 - Stanislas Breton, la quête inachevée (2010)

Revue des Facultés de Théologie et de Philosophie


Pierre Gire - Christianism and Neo-Platonism with Stanislas Breton

Christian tradition and movement of thoughts which Neo-Platonism constitutes in the multiplicity of its thematic interfere within Stanislas Breton's work. This interchange of ideas takes place on different intelligibility levels. From a philosophic point of view, developing the Non-being Principle generates a radical interrogation on the claims of onto-theologies, on classical assertions on creative causalities and the Discloser's oneness, on theological languages themselves. From a mystical point of view, resuming the neo-platonician meontologial pre-eminence of Absolute has for result a redefinition of the relation between God's Non Being and the soul's non-being germ. For a Christian, Christ's Cross objectifies this extremity. Here he recognises the passage of his God into humankind.

Hubert Faes - Philosophy and theology in Stanislas Breton's thinking

All along his own trajectory, Stanislas Breton has lived and reflected upon the relation between philosophy and theology. The educated theory that he sets forwards about this relation in his book Du Principe shows that he contents himself neither with an historical nor with an epistemological approach. His theory comes from a critical ontology aiming towards a radical notion of the principle. Philosophy and Theology are both seeking the principle by taking for granted what is thinkable in general, particularly for theology, that is to say, a concrete reality of rites and beliefs. Considering both in this situation, one can account for the difference in the way of looking for the principle, their equality and complementarity in the human research for the principle.

Patrick Royannais - Deferring to the extreme horror of the Cross

Thirty years after its issue, rereading The Verb and the Cross could be as hazardous as opening Pandora's box. Many questions shoot out from theses few pages, a mere two hundred. The author of this article has taken three of them into consideration which enable him to go through Stanislas Breton's work. First he notes the form and content of a Christian discourse, that is to say a comment on the Cross logos. What discourse is possible if madness, that of God, is the only wisdom? He then questions the validity of differentiating between Philosophy and Theology when faced with the Cross logos which might well be the end of discourses, their cross. Lasts, he attempts to explain Breton's question as far as the significance of Christian faith condensed into Dogma is concerned. If God remains not only inaccessible, but also does not look for anything for himself, withdraws to serve and not be served, are not the discourses about him reduced to the contingency, even the misery, of the conditions in which they were produced? Can one say, when talking about God, anything than the demand of justice when serving the humble? But then should this demand still have a divine name? What remains of the Christian assertion?

Marie-Odile Métral - If Saint Thomas was related to me in Stanislas Breton's way

In Breton's work Saint Thomas constitutes a considerable intertext. The rigor of scholastic argumentation, in which he was trained, marks his literary, even poetical style. But for Saint Thomas' texts, as for all those from which he draws his thoughts and which he does not fail to think anew, Stanislas Breton keeps the freedom of a cordial comment. As for an evening, sitting up around a fire, where the saint's memory would be called upon, I imagined relating Saint Thomas in Stanislas Breton's way, around capital questions: Those of wisdom, causa sui, friendship, and mystics. In the freedom of thought I learned from Stanislas Breton, I conceived my cordial comment, in particular about friendship. .....

Pierre Gire - Hommage à Stanislas Breton

Daniel Moulinet - Jean-Marie Vianney, figure de prêtre et sa réception dans l'histoire

Éric MANGIN - La manifestation du Christ et l'expérience de l'amour - Une approche phénoménologique de Maître Eckhart

Marie-Odile Métral, Jeanne-Bernard A. - Notice bibliographique sur Stanislas breton

Stanislas Breton - Saint Thomas d'Aquin et l'intelligence de la foi

Stanislas Breton - Théologie et Philosophie