The fellow members of the CONFLUENCE Sciences & Humanities Research Center (EA1598) are affiliated to another Research Center or are not affiliated researchers to our Center. They are associated in the framework of research projects or the direction of theses. They are admitted after a vote by the UCLy Scientific Council.
Honorary professors pursuing a thesis direction are associated by right for the duration of the thesis.
Direct links to fellow members profiles : Lusine ARZUMANYAN, Claude BAILLY-MASSON, Guillaume BADY, Pascale BOUCAUD, Sébastien DOANE, Jean-Marie EXBRAYAT, Claudine GAY, Laurence MELLERIN, Bernard MEUNIER, Iony RANDRIANIRINA, Fabrice ROTH, Giulia TERLIZZI

Doctor in Management Sciences Consultant in Strategy and Business Development
Fellow member of Group #8 - Sustainable business and organizations
Graduate of the Master's degree in "Management of International Activities" at the IAE Lyon, she wrote a thesis on the Groupe SEB's innovation community of practice. Her research activities focus on the management and development of communities of practice.
Associate Professor of exceptional class in 'DCG' and 'DSCG'.
Fellow member of Group #8 - Sustainable business and organizations
Claude Bailly-Masson has a doctorate in Business Law, a doctorate in Economic Sciences, and is an associate professor in 'DCG' at the Institution des Chartreux. He is also in charge of the preparation for the Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion (DSCG) at the ESDSES.
He has carried out work on the autonomy of the company: issues and conditions, and on the contribution in new information of cash flow statements. He has written numerous articles and participated in conferences on the role of the accountant in a CSR approach. He has conducted research on the following issue: the difficulties of understanding intangible assets.
Chief commissioner of the reserve armies, he has developed the unexpected topic of naval strategy and business strategy at naval conferences.
Guillaume BADY
CNRS Research Fellow, Sources Chrétiennes-HiSoMA - UMR 5189
Fellow member of Group #2 - Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures
Director of the Institut des Sources Chrétiennes (, he works on patristic authors (in particular John Chrysostom and Gregory of Nazianzus) and on the Greek Bible. He has a master's degree in theology (UCLy) and is a lecturer at UCLy, but is above all a philologist and editor of texts.
As a secondary research associate, he participates in the seminar of the Research group #2 and in various events organised within the CONFLUENCE Research center.
Recent publications:
- (Direction d'ouvrage collectif) La source sans fin : la Bible chez Jean Chrysostome, Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 23 / Cahiers de Biblindex 4, Turnhout, 2021: avant-propos, p. 5-9, et contribution, «Le ‘calame d’or’: Jean Chrysostome écrivain selon le Pseudo-Georges d’Alexandrie», p. 219-245 2
- Introduction, notes et références bibliques d’Irénée de Lyon, La foi démontrée [= Démonstration de la prédication des apôtres], traduction d’A. Rousseau, Paris 2021
Honorary Professor of UCLy
Fellow member of Group #6 - Legal, Political and Social Sciences
Holder of a PhD in Private Law, obtained at the University Jean Moulin Lyon III with honours in 1981 and a Diploma of the Research Center of the Hague Academy of International Law (1989). Her research topics and specialities are: international law of children's rights; human rights in Europe; and bioethics and fundamental rights.
She is currently writing a book on international children's rights law. She also works with the Ethics Committee of the Queen Fabiola University Children's Hospital in Brussels.
Recent publications:
- « Protection de la liberté et de la fragilité de la personne face au robot », in Intelligences artificielles et vulnérabilités / Kaléidoscope (dir. M.C. Piatti et M. Guillermin) - Ed. Des Archives contemporaines – Juillet 2020, pp. 137-147.
- « Dignité humaine et bioéthique : la fin de vie » in Les droits de l’Homme : un défi permanent (dir. R. Koude), Editions des Archives contemporaines, Paris, 2019, pp. 71-84.
Sébastien DOANE
Fellow member of Group #2 - Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures
Member of the RRENAB research group "Biblical Hermeneutics and Animal Studies".
At the doctoral level, he worked with a methodology aimed at describing the effects of the text on the people who read it. His thesis 'Analysis of the reader's response to the origins of Jesus in Mt 1-2' was published in the collection Bible studies by Peeters in 2019. This research immersed him in the study of the links between the Old Testament and the New Testament. In addition to this interest in intertextuality, he is also interested in biblical interpretation from masculinities studies, ecological hermeneutics and trauma theories.
He is a fellow member of the group #2 'Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures' of the CONFLUENCE, Sciences and Humanities Research center which explores the relations between humans and animals with regard to the theologies of creation in biblical and patristic texts.
Recent publication
- La confiance, une posture prophétique au sein de la crise écologique, Revue Lumen Vitae, 2021/3 (Volume LXXVI), p. 323-336.
Fellow member of Group #5 - Integral Human Development, Ecology and Ethics
Doctor in biology (Montpellier, 1977), he joined UCLy in 1978 as an assistant in biology. He obtained a doctorate in natural sciences (Paris 6, 1986) and was appointed professor in 1986, then director of studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE, SVT section) in 1991. He directed the general biology laboratory from 1991 to 2019. He was dean of the Faculty of Science between 1997 and 2005, and deputy director of research from 2006 to 2019. He is professor emeritus of the UCLy and Director of Studies emeritus of the EPHE since 2020. He has been a Knight in the Order of Academic Palms since 1997 and a Knight in the National Order of Merit since 2005.
His work concerns the reproduction and development of animal species living in various environments. His interest in the history and philosophy of science has led him to participate in interdisciplinary research.
Today, his research focuses on the history of life sciences and the evolution of animal communication, particularly the effects of vibrations and music on cells and organisms.
Main publications:
- The effects of sounds and music on cells and organisms: a promising and developing area of research. Athens Journal of Sciences, 9: 1-20., 2022
- Quelques aspects de l’histoire des sciences du vivant : un cours d’histoire de la biologie. IIEE, Lyon, Vrin, Paris, 2018
Claudine GAY
Lecturer in Economics, IUT Lumière, University of Lyon 2
Fellow member of Group #8 - Sustainable business and organizations
Claudine Gay is a researcher at the Research, Transfer and Innovation (RTI) center of the IUT Lumière, which specialises in operational research, knowledge transfer and technology. She is also a researcher in work-study engineering, a specificity of the IUT Lumière, and a member of the Innovation Research Network (RRI). She is also an associate researcher at ESDES The Business School of Ucly, where she began her career as head of the Management and Strategy Department. She is a specialist in the economy of knowledge and the innovation management. She studies, in particular, the territorial dynamics of innovation and the intellectual property strategies of companies. To do so, she develops a multidisciplinary approach, between economics and management. Elected and invested in numerous university functions and collective projects, she has also developed an area of expertise in professional training in higher education.
Main publications:
- (co-direction) Management de l'innovation, Nouveaux enjeux et défis, Méthodes faciles à appliquer, Illustrations et témoignages récents, Dunod, 2017
- Innovation et créativité en PME. Enjeux, mutations et perspectives, Claudine GAY et Bérangère L. SZOSTAK, ISTE éditions, Série Smart Innovation, Volume 19 2019, 193 p.
Christian LE BAS
Associate professor of universities, retired from Lumière Lyon 2 University
Fellow member of Group #8 - Sustainable business and organizations
Christian Le Bas has been a Faculty member at ESDES since 2013. He teaches Economics and Management of Innovation and Intellectual Property. His current research programs are: measurement and determinants of environmental innovation, contemporary forms of the internationalization of Research and Development of large globalized firms, the innovative behavior of firms in relation to CSR, study of recent forms of innovation (frugal or sustainable).
His research topics include environmental innovation (determinants and consequences at the level of industries and companies), management of innovation and intellectual property in a globalized economy, technological innovation, CSR and institutions and economics of inventor productivity.
CNRS Research Engineer, Sources Chrétiennes-HiSoMA - UMR 5189
Fellow member of Group #2 - Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures
Deputy director of "Sources Chrétiennes"; responsible for the Biblindex project, an online scriptural index of the Church Fathers. In charge, for the collection, of the Latin authors of the "Italy" (in particular Ambrose, Jerome) and "Western Middle Ages" sections.
Former student of the ENS (Ulm), agrégée in Classics, doctorate in medieval history, holder of a canonical licence in theology (UCLy).
She is a lecturer in the Faculty of Theology at UCLy.
Her research topics include new technologies applied to biblical and patristic corpora (digital editing, research into intertextuality); 12th century monastic texts (in particular, Bernard of Clairvaux, Guillaume de Saint-Thierry); Latin patristic exegesis; the history of penance and the theology of sin.
Within the Group #2 - Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures, in the framework of the Master of Patristics, she is in charge of the seminars of Latin patristic theology and of the translation of Latin medieval authors, as well as the Latin courses and, in collaboration with G. Bady, the course "Preliminaries to patristic exegesis". She coordinates the seminar on the patristic reception of the Scriptures (Biblindex); the workshop on the patristic reception of the book of Qohelet. She co-organised the colloquium on the soul at the time of its eclipse (16-19 March 2022) with Pascal Marin.
Some publications:
- L. Mellerin (éd.), Guillaume de Saint-Thierry, de Liège au Mont-Dieu, Actes du colloque de Reims (4-7 juin 2018), Cîteaux-Commentarii Cistercienses 69, fasc. 1-4, 2018.
- L. Mellerin (dir.), Lectures de la Bible (Ier-XVe s.), Editions du Cerf, Paris 2017.
CNRS Research Fellow, Sources Chrétiennes-HiSoMA - UMR 5189
Fellow member of Group #2 - Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures
Former student of the ENS (Ulm), agrégé des lettres, doctor ès lettres, doctor of theology. Former professor at the Faculty of Theology at UCLy. His research themes and areas of expertise are: the history of doctrines (Greek patristics, Cyril of Alexandria), the history of ancient councils and the editing of ancient texts.
Within the Group #2 - Bible and Ancient Literatures and Cultures, he is a member of the scientific committee of two colloquia in preparation: Penser l'âme au temps de son éclipse (March 22); La synodalité (October 22).
Main publications:
- Le Christ de Cyrille d'Alexandrie. L'humanité, le salut et la question monophysite, Paris, Beauchesne 1997 (Théologie historique 104)
- La personne et le christianisme ancien, Paris, Cerf, 2006 (Patrimoines)
Lecturer in Private Law and Criminal Sciences, Grenoble Alpes University
Fellow member of Group #6 - Legal, Political and Social Sciences
Doctor in Private Law, specialist in business law and intellectual property, she defended her doctoral thesis in 2013 in Poitiers before arriving in Lyon in 2014 where she taught at the Faculty of Law at UCLy. Qualified as a lecturer in 2015 by the CNU (Conseil National des Universités), she was appointed as a lecturer at the University of Lorraine in 2017, before being transferred to the University of Grenoble Alpes in 2021, where she is a researcher at the CRJ-CUERPI (UR 1965).
Specialist in business law and intellectual property.
Within Group #6 - Legal, Political and Social Sciences, she participates in the project "Mutations et normes" 2020-2025, and coordinates the publication of a collective work entitled Droit des affaires et intelligence artificielle, financed by the CONFLUENCE Research center, to be published in autumn 2022 and associating several teacher-researchers of the Group #6, as well as teacher-researchers of her previous university (Université de Lorraine) and her current university (Université Grenoble Alpes).
Recent publication:
- L'essentiel du droit commercial, Editions Gualino, 2021
Fabrice ROTH
University Professor at the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de Lyon
Fellow member of Group #8 - Sustainable business and organizations
He is responsible for the Master's degree in Management of International Activities at Lyon 3, and conducts numerous cooperation programmes for public and private institutes, both in France and abroad. Specialised in organisational governance, economic and financial intelligence and project development, he has written or co-authored numerous articles, notes and reports on the subject. He is also personally involved in business creation projects, accompanying developers or working with companies and/or associations. For the past ten years, he has been involved in the Africa-Indian Ocean zone, within the Iaelyon School of Management, with the Institut International de la Francophonie (2IF), other institutes and NGOs.
Some publications:
- Stratégie financière du secteur public (avec S. Besanger), ISTE-Wiley, 2016.
- "The Governance of MultiNational Companies: Continuity or Breakdown?", Management of Multinational Companies, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.
Lecturer and researcher, Comparative Private Law, University of Turin, Italy
Lecturer in Comparative Law and Director of the University Diploma in Climate and Sustainable Development Law at UCLy.
Fellow member of Group #6 - Legal, Political and Social Sciences
She obtained her PhD in law at the Università degli Studi di Torino in 2012.
She is a research fellow at the Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law, McGill University, Montreal, (CA), of the Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei IUSE (Torino, Italy). She is a member of the R.E.I. Association (Rete per l'eccellenza dell'italiano) of the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission. She participated in the Working Group on Translation and Multilingualism for the European Commission's DG Translation. She is Member of the Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française, Italian section, since 2010; Member of the Scientific Committee of the MANIFESTATION OFF of the Association Henri Capitant and Member of the Società Italiana per la Ricerca nel Diritto Comparato (SIRD) since 2010. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal and editor of The Italian Law Journal. In 2017, the Italian Accademia dei Lincei awarded her the "Dott. Giuseppe Borgia" 2017, for legal translation.
Her main areas of research in comparative private law include: law of obligations, private autonomy, legal pluralism and jurilingualism.
Recent publications:
- “From Nature to Intention. The Case of Surrogacy and Parenthood. Changing Paradigms in Family Law”, in A. Ferreira Leite de Paula - A. Santacoloma Santacoloma (eds.), Law and Realism, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2021, 302-313
- “The new role of extra-legal principles in bio-law: a comparative overview”, in Ferreira Leite de Paula - A. Santacoloma Santacoloma (eds.), Law and Morals, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019, 179-191, ISBN: 978-3-515-12278-8