Health insurance

All you need to know about your health insurance to benefit from the partial refund of your health costs in France.

Specific cases

United Kingdom
- Your have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or the provisional replacement certificate: you don't need to take additional steps.
- You have the S1 Form: you have to register for the French Health Insurance-CPAM/Ameli. Please consult the section "You are not a European (EU/EEA) or Swiss student and you have a visa".
- You don't have the EHIC, or the EHIC or provisional replacement certificate: you have to register for the French Health Insurance-CPAM/Ameli. Please consult the section "You are not a European (EU/EEA) or Swiss student and you have a visa".

- Before departure, you have to ask for the SE 130-04 Form. For the refund of your health costs, you will have to send the payed bills and the form to the French Health Insurance-CPAM of your place of residence.
- If you don't have the SE 130-04 Form, a derogation allows you to register for the CPAM. Please consult the section "You are not a European (EU/EEA) or Swiss student and you have a visa".

To be exempt of registration for the French Health Insurance, you have to ask for a proof of coverage from the Monegasque Government

- You are an exchange student : before departure, you have to ask for the SE 401 Q 106 which need to be completed by your university in Quebec and by the RAMQ
- You are a student in individual mobility: before departure, you have to ask for the SE 401 Q 102bis Form. Once in France, you have to register for the French Health Insurance-CPAM/Ameli. Please consult the section "You are not a European (EU/EEA) or Swiss student and you have a visa".