Non-exchange students

You’re coming in the framework of an individual mobility or as a free mover

Application procedures depend from :

  • your nationality
  • your secondary education diploma or a diploma granting access to university
  • the level of study you want to apply for
  • your country of residence

You are

  • Citizen of the EU/EEA/Switzerland/Monaco/Andorra

    European students follow the same processes as French students to register in a French higher education institution:

    • 1st year of Bachelor (“Licence”)

    Apply through the Parcoursup platform.

    • 2nd/3rd year of Bachelor (“Licence”)

    Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    • 1st year of Master

    You want to apply for a Master with agreement with another university (Master conventionné): Apply through the Mon Master platform.

    You want to apply for a Master without agreement with a public university (Master non-conventionné): Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    • 2nd year of Master / PhD

    • Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
      You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.
  • Non-citizen of the EU/EEA/Switzerland/Monaco/Andorra - Country WITH a Etudes en France (EeF) procedure

    A passport is required to enter the French territory. Make sure it expires at least 6 months after the final day of your stay.

    If you are a resident of one of the countries affected by the Etudes en France procedure, it is mandatory to register with the Espace Campus France in your country  to submit your application and then obtain your “Student” visa.

    List of countries affected by the Etudes en France procedure

    Campus France: Études en France procedure

    Campus France: How to apply in a French institut of higher education


    • 1st year of a Bachelor (“Licence”)

    You have/will have a French or European secondary education diploma: you will have to follow both the Etudes en France and the Parcoursup procedures.

    You have/will have another diploma granting access to university: you will have to follow the Etudes en France. Depending on the requested program, you may also have to follow the Parcoursup procedures.
    Informations at your Espace Campus France.

    • 2nd/3rd year of Bachelor (“Licence”) / Master / PhD

    You will have to follow the Etudes en France procedure.

  • Non-citizen of the EU/EEA/Switzerland/Monaco/Andorra - Country WITHOUT a Etudes en France (EeF) procedure
    • 1st year of a Bachelor (“Licence”)

    You have/will have a French or European secondary education diploma: you will have to follow the Parcoursup procedure.

    You have/will have another diploma granting access to university: apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    Depending on the requested program, you may also have to follow the Parcoursup procedures.

    Non-European students not affected by the Etudes en France procedure are required to submit a “Demande d’Admission Préalable – DAP” (preliminary request for admission) to enrol in the 1st year of a Bachelor’s degree programme.
    Note that at UCLy, not all Bachelor’s programmes will require international students to submit a DAP.
    For more information, please contact the concerned Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy. You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    More information about the DAP


    • 2nd/3rd year of Bachelor (“Licence”) / Master / PhD

    Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

  • Non-citizen of the EU/EEA/Switzerland/Monaco/Andorra - Living in France
    • 1st year of a Bachelor (“Licence”)

    You have/will have a French or European secondary education diploma: you will have to follow the Parcoursup procedure.

    You have/will have another diploma granting access to university: apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    Note that at UCLy, not all Bachelor’s programmes will require international students to submit a DAP – Dossier Vert.

    • 2nd/3rd year of Bachelor (“Licence”)

    Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    • 1st year of Master

    You want to apply for a Master with agreement with another university (Master conventionné): Apply through the Mon Master platform.

    You want to apply for a Master without agreement with a public university (Master non-conventionné): Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.

    • 2nd year of Master / PhD

    Apply directly with the Faculty/School/Institut at the UCLy offering the program you want to apply for.
    You will find the list of contacts by clicking here.


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