The values defended by Lyon Catholic University (UCLy) expressly mentioned in its charter and the concern for an authentic culture of encounters, entail the respect of every person in his or her dignity and the dignity and equality of all, as well as particular attention paid to the most vulnerable persons.
Students and staff at UCLy have the right, in their relationships with other members of the university community, to interactions free from abuse, violence, and harassment of any sort.
On its campus, UCLy welcomes minor people (children and adolescents] on various occasions, including:
• Events focusing on popular science ("Fête de la Science": The Science Festival]
• Open-house days
• School visits
• Conferences
Sorne activities at UCLy may place members of the community (teachers, administrative personnel, or students) in relationships with minor people. This is the case during:
• academic research
• associative activities, in particular tutoring conducted by university students
• integration weekends or festive events
Furthermore, some students begin their studies at UCLy when they have not yet obtained the legal age of majority [18 years].
ln accordance with its social. moral, and legal responsibility, UCLy cannot tolerate any harm to the members of its academic community, students as the staff, in particular to minors and vulnerable persons, to whom it intends to ensure the highest standard of protection.
This is the principal objective of this text and that to which UCL y commits itself:
• To prevent and combat all forms of violence, abuse. harassment, and discrimination in all its activities,
• T o pay particular attention to vulnerable persons, and in particular minors, for whom it promotes respect. notably within its Master's Degree in Private Law, "The Rights of the Child and Vulnerable Persons" [lnstitute of Family Sciences).
Each member of the community is invited to identify any delicate or ambiguous situation that could put young people at risk [among themselves, or between adults and young people] and inform a person in charge as soon as possible.
Anyone who believes they are a victim of any form of harassment, included digital harassment, can report it to the Human Resources Department by writing to: harcelements@univ-catholyon.fr.
Anyone who witnesses a situation of discrimination, abuse, violence, or harassment must report it to the Human Resources Department by writing to: harcelements@univ-catholyon.fr and, if necessary, to the police or judicial authorities [see above).
A record of reports is kept by the Human Resources Department. The collection and processing of reports protects the privacy of the user of the reporting system.
Learner reporting referents
Psychologist, Educational Director
Psychologist, in charge of Student Life and Orientation
04 72 32 51 96