Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology and Education

L’originalité du Pôle Philosophie et Sciences Humaines est d’articuler une faculté canonique et un ensemble d’Instituts universitaires distincts, éclairant ainsi deux axes de recherche:

  • Philosophie et Christianisme.
  • Philosophie, Éthique, Sciences de la vie et Sciences Humaines.


What makes the Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology and Education unique is the fact that it incorporates a canonical department and a group of discrete university institutes, allowing it to cover two areas of research:

  • Philosophy and Christianity
  • Philosophy, Ethics, Life Sciences, and Human Sciences

It consists of several teaching and/or research units:

Department of Philosophy

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The Department of Philosophy, created in 1932, is a teaching and research centre. It endeavours, through dialogue with other disciplines, to promote a methodical reflection on the dimensions of human experience within contemporary culture.

Department of Psychology (Human and Social Sciences)

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Since 1990, this department is committed to offering education programmes that will provide specific and cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills useful to every student, whatever his or her professional orientation. To achieve this, the initial education programmes (bachelor's and master's degrees) will continue to evolve, as will continuing education in the socio-educational, health, and psychological fields. Since the research in this department is linked to practice, it is developing exponentially in order to rethink the support and care systems on offer.

Departement of Education (the MEEF Master's Degree)

This degree is dedicated to training in teaching and education, as well as training in the public and private sectors. As a programme that leads to an academic degree and prepares students for professional life, it is invaluable to all future teachers. As the cornerstone of the preparation for the state’s competitive teacher licensing examinations, the course includes disciplinary, pedagogical and didactic teaching, internships, and the writing of a dissertation.


UNIVA (for UNIversité Vie Active) founded in 1975, which draws on the wide range of skills at UCLy to offer a variety of courses for a diverse audience of 2000 non-assessed learners of all ages.


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The CEPEC (Pedagogical Study Centre for Experimentation and Consultancy) is a pedagogical training and research institute whose actions concern initial teacher training provided by the ISFEC 2nd degree Auvergne Rhône-Alpes; preparation for the competitions CAER PA and
CAER PC; in-service teacher education in the form of internships or interventions in educational institutions; university education (Bachelor of Education); research in general pedagogy and didactics of disciplines and publication of educational files, books and didactic journals. The CEPEC is a missionary institute of Catholic Education.

Teacher-researchers from the different departments in this Faculty work together in UCLy's Confluence Sciences and Humanities Research Unit, and particularly in its Education, People and Support cluster. This cluster provides research for the Department of Education and its Master’s courses.