Doctors costs and fees
Before booking an appointment with a doctor, we advise you to consult their sector, 1 or 2.
Sector 1 doctors, generalist or specialist, apply a costs fixed by the State and do not charge additional fees.
For example: a medical consultation with a generalist costs 26,50€.
Sector 2 doctors, generalist or specialist, are allowed to set their own prices and to charge additional fees.
To find a doctor, you can consult our page
Health directory
You have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
You must ask for your EHIC in your country of origin at least two months before your departure for France.
If you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), you do not need to enrol for the French Health Insurance. You will have to present your EHIC at your medical appointments. The EHIC allows you to be covered during your stay in France.
How to be reimbursed with the EHIC?
The amount of reimbursements are the same as if you were in your country.
As a holder of a EHIC, you have two options to be reimbursed for your health expenses:
- Request reimbursement from your insurance/social security organization in charge of your health care expenses once you return to your country of origin upon presentation of the bills for cares you have paid in advance.
- Contact the French Health Insurance (CPAM) of your place of residence during your stay and receive reimbursements directly on site.
The importance of the complementary health insurance
The French Health Insurance does not reimburse the whole of your expenses. In order to be reimbursed for the complementary part, it is strongly recommended to take out a complementary health insurance
A large choice is available and offered by insurance companies, banks, student complementary insurance companies..., do not hesitate to compare the different offers and ask for a quote.
Moreover, taking out a complementary insurance in addition to your EHIC allows you, depending on the level of coverage you choose, not to pay in advance for hospitalization fees, the purchase of medication, etc.
More information on our page > Tab "Complementary Health Insurances / CSS".
You have a S1 form
You must follow the same procedure as a non-European student and register with the French Health Insurance (CPAM).
You do not have a HEIC or a S1 form
You must follow the same procedure as a non-European student and register with the French Health Insurance (CPAM).
Do you need help?
If you have any questions about your file or your reimbursements, please contact the CPAM directly:
Line in French
Tel: 36 46 / From abroad: +33 184 90 36 46
Line in English
Tel: 09 74 75 36 46 / From abroad: +33.974.75.36.46
If you need additional information or guidance, the International Student Desk will be happy to assist you.