Before your stay

You have been admitted at UCLy? Congratulations!

You are a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland:

No formalities are necessary regarding your stay in France. However, do not forget to bring your passport/ID card and birth certificate with you.

You are not a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland:

Procedure to apply for the "Student" visa depends on your country of residence and your nationality:

  • You live in a country with the Études en France (Campus France) procedure: you will mandatory have to follow the Études en France procedure before applying for the "Student" long stay visa.
    Caution: there are deadlines for each Études en France step. Contact your Campus France office to know about the timetables.

  • You live in a country without the Études en France procedure: contact the French Embassy/Consulate to have information about the application for the "Student" long stay visa.

Remember to apply for your visas 2 to 3 months before your departure.

For more information, please visit the links below.

Important information

Once in France, it is not possible to extend your stay, obtain a new visa or a residence card when you are holding:

  • a tourist visa or if you are exempt from a visa requirement.
    Your stay in France/Schengen area is limited to 90 days out of a period of 180 days.
  • a working-holiday visa, except canadian citizen.
  • a VLS-T visa (Temporary Long Term Visa).

In case of visa refusal, UCLy can't intervene with the French Embassy/Consulate. Their decision remains sovereign.