Shahrzad Yaghtin

Associate Professor at UCLy

8. Sustainable Business and Organisations

Campus Lyon - Saint Paul
10 Place des archives 69002 Lyon

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Research areas

Autre Autre Autre Autre Autre Autre

Teaching areas

Marketing Sciences de gestion Other Other Other Other Other


Dr. Shahrzad Yaghtin is a lecturer and researcher in marketing. Before joining academia, she worked in the B2B environment (Energy sector) for more than a decade. Her research focuses on B2B marketing, digital marketing, sustainable marketing, and the application of machine learning techniques for marketing communication. She also studies blockchain technologies and new business models for the circular economy. She uses a wide range of methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative, in her research.
  • Chapters
    • Book chapters
      • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad (2021). «Sustainable B2B marketing during a pandemic crisis: An overview of sustainable solutions and marketing practices». In : Al Kindi, Moosa bin Abdullah (dir.), Co-creating the Post COVID19 World Exploring Sustainable Path. Arab Open University, 49-66.
  • Articles
    • Articles in peer-reviewed journals
      • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad, MERO, Joel (2024). «Augmenting machine learning with human insights; the model development for B2B pers». Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 39, 6, 1192-1208.  [+]
      • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad (2022). «B2B digital content marketing in uncertain situations: a systematic review». Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 37, 9, 1852-1866.  [+]
      • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad (2020). «Planning a goal-oriented B2B content marketing strategy». Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 38, 7, 1007-1020.  [+]
  • Communications (conferences, seminars, study days)
    • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad (2023). «Creating content to enhance business customers' engagement: A motivational model». 10th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting (OMEACONF), Omeaconf, June 2023, Nice, France.
    • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad (2023). «Developing a machine-learning based recommender system to persuade sustainable consumption». Persuasive 2023, Society for Persuasion and Technology (SPT), Eindhoven University of Technology, April 2023, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
    • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad (2023). «Building sustainable resilience through dissiminating valuable information: Review of literature focusing on pandemic crises». Journée d'étude "Incertitude(s)", UR CONFLUENCE : Sciences et Humanités, UCLy, February 2023, Lyon, France.
    • YAGHTIN, Shahrzad, MERO, Joel (2021). «How to integrate human insight with machine learning capabilities for B2B personalization». CBIM2021 "Challenges and opportunities for increasingly turbulent times in business markets", Center for Business and Industrial Marketing, June 2021, Georgia, United States of America.
  • Academic background
    • 2020 PhD, Business administration, Marketing, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Iran