Algorithmic discrimination and gender equality


The European Commission in its white paper on artificial intelligence  affirms  that ‘[a]rtificial intelligence (AI) entails a number of potential risks, such as […] gender based or other kinds of discrimination’.  The recent European Commission Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 warns that ‘ while AI can bring solutions

to many societal challenges, it risks intensifying gender inequalities’ and that ‘algorithms and related

machine-learning, if not transparent and robust enough, risk repeating, amplifying or contributing to

gender biases that programmers may not be aware of or that are the result of specific data selection’.

How algorithmic discrimination is produced? How can we react? This lesson will tackle those issues in search of a new awareness of AI lack of  neutrality and, possibly, of an adequate response.


Bianca Gardella Tedeschi

Bianca Gardella Tedeschi is Associate Professor of Comparative Law in the Univerità del Piemonte Orientale, Italy.  She holds and LL.M. degree from Harvard Law School and a Master degree in Cultural Anthropology from Università di Torino. Her main research topics is private law in comparative perspective and ranges from contract to torts to antidiscrimination law. She is the author of several academic publications.