CABOUX, E., HAINAUT, P., GORMALLY, E., 2008. Biological resource centers in molecular epidemiology studies: collecting, storing and analyzing bio-specimens. Pp. 267-269. In WILD, C.P., VINEIS, P., GASTE, S. (Edts) Molecular epidemiology of chronic diseases, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Chichester, U.K.
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008 - Des experiences de néoténie expérimentale à l'évolution biologique (1945-1954): les travaux de Michel Delsol. Pp. 151-179 In : MORANGE, M. et PERRU, O. (eds) Embryologie et évolution (1880-1950), histoire générale et figures lyonnaises. Vrin, Paris et IIEE, Lyon.
BENMOULOUD, A., MOUTERFI, N., KHAMMAR, F., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., AMIRAT, Z., 2008.- Male sexual hormone effects on the adrenal cortex activity in a Saharan desert rodent, Psammomys obesus (Cretzschmar, 1828). Europeana Congress of Endocrinology, Endocrine Abstracts. 16: P2.
BELHOCINE, M., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Modification du stroma des vésicules séminales du mérion de Libye (Meriones libycus) au cours de la reproduction. 40ème Congrès Soc. Francophone de Chronobiologie, Caen, juin 2008. Résumé.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Corrélation entre la b-endorphine et la stéroidogenèse ovariennes chez le lézard déserticoile Uromastyx acanthinura : approche immunohistochimique. 40ème Congrès Soc. Francophone de Chronobiologie, Caen, juin 2008. Résumé.
BELHOCINE, M., GERNIGON, T. EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008. -Immunohistiochemical expression of matrix metalloproteinases in Libyan jird seminal vesicles during seasonal reproductive cycle. 11th Int. Conf. Rodens et spatium, July 2008, Myshkin (Russia), Abstracts : 128.
HAMMOUCHE, S., GERNIGON, T., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Correlation between ovarian steroidogensis and -endorphin in the lizard Uromastyx acanthinura: immunohistochemical approach. XXth International Congress of Zoology, August 2008, Paris (France), Abstracts. Integrative Zoology: 36.
SMAI-HAMDIDOUCHE, S., GERNIGON-SPYCHALOWICZ, EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of the vagina during estrous cycle of the Algerian wild Lybian jird (Meriones lybicus). XXth International Congress of Zoology, August 2008, Paris (France), Abstracts: Integrative Zoology: 40.
CHEVALIER, C., DE CONTO, C., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Apoptosis in Zingel asper (Percidae) ovariian and testicular development. Cybium, 32 (2) suppl.: 228-229.
DE CONTO, C., CHEVALIER, C., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Histological study of Zingel asper (Percidae) sexual maturation : petterns of ovarian and testicular development. Cybium, 32 (2) suppl.: 230-231.
RAQUET, M., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- From oviparity to viviparity : evolution of the female genital tract in gymnophionan amphibians, 12th Evolutionary Biology Meeting, September 2008, Marseille (France), Abstracts
EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2008.- Gymnophiona : a turning-point in Vertebrate evolution ? 12th Evolutionary Biology Meeting, September 2008, Marseille (France), Abstracts