Intercultural communication skills

Enseignante : Lisa Perelmuter

Course description

In an era where globalization and individualism meet, navigating through different cultures can be a challenge. There are as many cultural identities as there are people in the world. 

This course will give you the tools to comprehend and discover these different cultures with curiosity, respect and open-mindedness. 

With the help of practical exercises, role playing, debates etc, you will learn how to communicate effectively and safely in an unknown context, in order to grasp all the cultural richness around you. 


  • Learn how to comprehend a culture through pratical aspects of this culture : History, politics, customs, arts, gastronomy, sports, education...
  • Develop observation and adaptation skills 
  • Learn how to prepare for a journey
  • Learn how to balance curiosity and respect of the other's personal and private space
  • Conflict resolution

Course duration: 20 hours


Département de formation humaine

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