International research day - Initiation for our students

Jeudi 20 janvier 2022


Conference Agenda (Lyon Local Time)
09.30-10.00 Welcome
Dr Valerie Bertrand
Dr Amanda Comoretto
Dr Célia Vaz-Cerniglia

10.00-10.30 Dr Seda Gokce Turan, (GB), Bournemouth University
Deepfake and Digital Citizenship: A Long-Term Protection Method for children and Youth

10.30-11.00 Dr Constantina Panourgia, (GB), Bournemouth University
Coping strategies and the challenges of inclusion in education professionals

11.00-11.30 Dr Claudia Mazzeschi, (Italy), University of Perugia
The effect of the lockdown on the psychological well-being of children and adolescent

11.30-12.00 Dr Dorote Lucci, (USA), Sofia University in California
Effects of digital immersive 6-week experiences on existential anxieties and the personal gestalt of death

12.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-14.30 Dr. Margherita Merucci, (France), Lyon Catholic University
Together at school: children, teachers, parents, co-constructing inclusion together

14.30-15.00 Dr. Alessia Cinotti, (Italy), University of Milano-Bicocca
Care approaches of families with children with disabilities. Research and inclusive prospective

15.00-15.30 Dr. Anna Pileri, (Italy), University of Bologna
Co-education and processes of inclusion (exclusion) in times of emergency.
Action-research in pre-schools (0-6 years old)

15.30-16.00 End of conference


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Myriam Hiroux